§ 33-17-1 Conditions of bond. Every executor, administrator, and guardian, before entering upon the executionof his or her trust, shall give bond to the probate court in any sum as itshall require, with sufficient surety or sureties, and with condition, exceptas provided in §§ 33-17-3 and 33-17-4, substantially as follows:
(1) In the case of an executor or administrator with the willannexed:
(i) To make and return to the probate court, as by lawrequired, a true inventory of all the testator's personal property which, atthe time of making the inventory, shall have come to his or her possession orknowledge.
(ii) To administer according to law and the will of thetestator, all the personal property of the testator which may come to his orher possession or into the possession of any person for him or her, and allrents and proceeds of real estate which may be received by him or her.
(iii) To render upon oath true accounts of his or heradministration, as by law required.
(2) In the case of an administrator:
(i) To make and return to the probate court, as by lawrequired, a true inventory of all the intestate's personal property which, atthe time of making the inventory, shall have come to his or her possession orknowledge.
(ii) To administer according to law all the personal propertyof the deceased and rents which may come into his or her possession or into thepossession of any person for him or her.
(iii) To render upon oath true accounts of his or heradministration, as by law required.
(iv) To deliver his or her letters of administration into thecourt if a will of the deceased is thereafter proved and allowed, and to settlehis or her account in the probate court and to pay over and deliver all theassets remaining in his or her hands or due from him or her on settlement tothe executor of the will.
(3) In the case of a guardian of an estate:
(i) To make and return to the probate court, as by lawrequired, a true inventory of all the real and personal property of the wardwhich, at the time of making inventory, shall have come to his or herpossession or knowledge.
(ii) To manage and dispose of all property according to lawand for the best interests of the ward, and faithfully to perform his or hertrust.
(iii) To render upon oath, as by law required, a true accountof the property of his or her ward and of his or her management and dispositionthereof.
(iv) At the expiration of his or her trust to settle his orher account in the probate court, or with the ward or his or her legalrepresentative, and to pay over and deliver all the property remaining in hisor her hands or due from him or her on settlement to the person entitled to theproperty.