§ 33-17-1.3 When surety not required forguardians. No surety shall be required on any bond of a guardian of the person and/orestate when the guardian is the spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, orother heir at law of the ward if the guardian demonstrates to the satisfactionof the probate court that circumstances warrant the waiver of surety and/orthat no surety should be required.
In making a determination as to whether surety should berequired for guardians, the probate court's consideration may include, butshall not be limited to, the following:
(1) The total number of the ward's heirs at law;
(2) The relationship of the ward's heirs at law to oneanother;
(3) The extent to which there appears to be issues and/orconflicts between the ward's heirs at law in regard to the guardianship, or thecorresponding lack of such issues and/or conflicts; and
(4) The total size, extent, and monetary value of the ward'sestate.
In making a determination pursuant to the provision of thissection, the court may conduct any hearings that it deems appropriate. Theprovisions of this section shall apply to both temporary and/or fullguardianships.