§ 33-17-10 Requiring further bond orsureties. (a) If a bond given to a probate court is insufficient either in amount orsecurity, the court shall require further bond, surety, or sureties of theexecutor, administrator, or guardian, and on his or her neglect or refusal togive further bond or sureties within the time fixed by the court, the courtshall remove the executor, administrator, or guardian without further notice,and appoint an administrator or guardian, respectively, to succeed him or her.
(b) In the event a probate court requires: (a) a fiduciary tofile a bond with surety, and the amount is subsequently ordered to beincreased; or (b) in the event a bond with surety is ordered for a temporaryguardian, and the bond is ordered to be increased upon the entry/appointment ofa permanent guardianship, the court may order the same bond to remain in effectand to be increased in an appropriate amount, as necessary.