§ 33-18-19 Costs and expenses inproceeding prosecuted or intervened in by interested person. Any legally interested person instituting a suit or proceeding shall, in caseof failure to prosecute the suit successfully, be entitled to no costs, andshall be personally liable to the adverse party for costs, and in no eventshall those legally interested persons instituting a suit or proceeding orintervening to prosecute or defend a pending action be entitled to more thanthe reasonable expenses incurred by him or her in the proceedings or defense,to be allowed out of the estate of the deceased person or person underguardianship, by the court having probate jurisdiction of the estate, to bepaid by the administrator, executor, or guardian; and shall not be entitled toany reimbursement for the expenses, unless the proceedings or defense, byintervention or otherwise, shall be found by the court of probate to have beennecessary for the protection of the estate. In any case where additionalparties intervene in the prosecution or defense of an existing suit orproceeding, the allowance made for all expenses shall not exceed suchreasonable amount as the court of probate finds should have been incurred forthe proper prosecution or defense of the action or proceeding.