§ 33-18-27 Perpetuation by fiduciary ofevidence of payments and delivery Final discharge. If an executor, administrator, or guardian has paid or delivered to the personsentitled thereto the money or other property in his or her hands as required bya decree of a probate court, he or she may perpetuate the evidence of paymentor delivery by presenting to the court, within one year after the decree ismade, an account of the payments or delivery, together with the voucherstherefor, which shall be kept in the files of the court. The account, beingproved to the satisfaction of the court, and verified by the oath of theexecutor, administrator, or guardian, shall be allowed as his or her finaldischarge and ordered to be recorded. This discharge shall forever exoneratethe executor, administrator, or guardian, and his or her sureties, from allliability under the decree unless his or her account is impeached for fraud ormanifest errors.