§ 33-18-31 Hearing and decree on funds,securities, or instruments for which fiduciary cannot give proper discharge Costs and expenses Payment or delivery by court. Upon the filing of a petition, such notice of the time and place of hearingthereon shall be given as the court shall direct; and after a hearing on thepetition, the court may enter a decree granting a discharge, if it deems itproper, and thereafter the executor, administrator or guardian shall berelieved from all liability for the money, stock certificate, bond or otherchose in action, and interest thereon. All costs and expenses on the petition,including expenses and counsel fees of the executor, administrator or guardian,as allowed by the court, shall be paid or retained out of the money or be alien on any stock or chose in action and any dividend or interest payablethereon. When any person entitled to money, stock or chose in action shallappear and satisfy the court as to his or her right thereto, the same with theaccumulations thereof, after deducting the expenses and counsel fees, shall bepaid or delivered to him or her as the court shall direct.