§ 33-20-5 Orders for management or sale ofproperty. The court may make orders for the care, custody, leasing, and investing of theproperty and its proceeds. The court may order livestock or perishableproperty, or any property, which cannot be kept without great anddisproportionate expense, to be sold at public or private sale. The court may,upon petition of the receiver, and after the notice as is required in case ofsale of real estate by executors and administrators, order all or any part ofthe real and personal estate of the absentee to be sold at public or privatesale to supply money for the payments authorized by §§ 33-20-1 33-20-7 or for reinvestment approved by the court. The court, on petition withnotice, if satisfied that the action will not be prejudicial to the interestsof the estate, may authorize the petitioner to become the purchaser of the realestate, at public or private sale; provided, however, that, in any instance, ifthe sale is made by private contract, the sale shall be made for not less thanthe sum fixed by the court in its decree authorizing the sale.