§ 33-21-5 Order for sale of real estate. Whenever a town shall have been in possession of any real estate under theprovisions of § 33-21-1 for ten (10) years without any person havingclaimed the same as heir at law, devisee, legatee, or legal representative ofthe deceased person, and shall, by complaint setting forth all the known factsin relation to the title and possession of the real estate and in relation tothe person who died leaving the property, apply to the superior court for leaveto sell and convey the real estate, the court shall order such notice of thependency of the complaint as may to the court seem proper, and may, after thereturn of the notice and the hearing of all persons interested in the realestate, order the sale and conveyance of real estate in such manner and uponsuch terms and conditions as the court shall prescribe.