§ 33-7-17 Certification of decree andcompromise. If the probate of the will in a case is pending on appeal in the superiorcourt, the court may prove and allow the will, and the clerk of court shallcertify and transmit for record copies of the decree admitting the will toprobate, and copies of the compromise and the decree of the court approving thecompromise, to the clerk of the court appealed from; and if the probate of thewill is pending in the probate court, the clerk of the superior court shallcertify and transmit for record to the clerk of the probate court copies of thecompromise and the decree approving the compromise; and thereupon the probatecourt may admit the will to probate. The estate of the deceased person shall beadministered and disposed of according to the provisions of the will asmodified by the compromise.