§ 33-7-21 Effect of recording of foreignwill Granting of letters. Whenever a copy of any will which has been finally proved and allowed in anyprobate court in any territory, district, or state of the United States, or inany foreign country, shall be finally ordered to be filed and recorded in aprobate court in this state pursuant to §§ 33-7-18 to 33-7-20, thefiling and recording of the will shall be of the same force and effect as ifthe will had been originally proved and allowed in this state, subject to theprovisos in § 33-7-20; and the probate court in which the copy of theforeign will is ordered to be filed and recorded may grant letters testamentaryto the named executor, or letters of administration with the will annexed to aperson as the court may deem fit, taking bond from the executor or person as incase of a will proved and allowed in the probate court.