§ 33-7-22 Proof of foreign will notrequired to be probated in domicile. A person interested in a will which is operative without probate by the laws ofthe state or country where the testator had his or her domicile at the time ofhis or her death may produce to the probate court of any town in this state inwhich there is any property, real or personal, on which the will may operate, acopy of the will and of the official record, duly authenticated according toact of congress, and the court shall assign a time and place for a hearing andcause notice to be given as in the case of a will offered for probate. If atsuch hearing the court finds, from the copies before it and any additionalproof as to the authenticity and execution of the will, that the instrumentought to be allowed in this state as the last will of the deceased, it shallorder the copy to be filed and recorded, and the will shall then have the sameeffect as if it had been originally proved and allowed in this state.