§ 33-7-25 Original probate of foreignwills. (a) The will of a nondomiciliary which upon probate may operate upon anyproperty in the state and which is executed in the same manner as is prescribedfor the execution of wills of Rhode Island residents under the laws of thisstate may be admitted to original probate in any probate court of this state inthe same manner as any other will.
(b) A will which has been admitted to probate or establishedin the testator's domicile shall not later be admitted to original probate inthis state except:
(1) In a case where the court is satisfied that ancillaryprobate would be unduly expensive, inconvenient, or impossible under thecircumstances;
(2) Where the testator has directed in the will that it shallbe offered for probate in this state; or
(3) Where the laws of the testator's domicile discriminateagainst domiciliaries of this state either as a beneficiary or as a fiduciary.
(c) A will which by judgment or decree of a court ofcompetent jurisdiction in the testator's domicile has been denied probate orestablishment shall not be admitted in this state except where denial ofprobate or establishment is solely for a cause which is not grounds forrejection of a will of a testator domiciled in this state.