§ 33-7-6 Investigation of allegedconcealment of will. Upon complaint under oath, made to a probate court, by a person claiming to beinterested in the estate of a person deceased against any one suspected ofretaining, concealing, or conspiring with others to retain or conceal a will ortestamentary instrument of the deceased, the court may cite the suspectedperson to appear before it and be examined under oath about the complaint. Uponexamination, all interrogatories and answers shall be in writing, signed by theparty examined, and shall be filed in the court. If the person cited refuses toappear and submit to examination, or to answer the interrogatories that arelawfully propounded to him or her, or to obey any lawful order of the court, heor she may be adjudged to be in contempt and may be committed to the adultcorrectional institutions, there to remain until he or she submits to the orderof court. On the complaint, the court may, in its discretion, award costs to bepaid by either party, and may issue execution therefor.