§ 34-10-17 Settlement of controversies byviewer. Whenever any controversy or dispute shall arise about the rights of therespective occupants or owners in division lines or partition fences and theirobligations to maintain the same, either party may apply to a fence viewer ofthe town where the lands lie, who, after ten-days' notice to each party, to begiven as provided in § 34-10-15, may in writing determine the divisionline and assign to each his or her part of the partition fence, and direct thetime within which each party shall erect, build, or repair his or her part ofthe fence, which line and assignment being recorded in the office of the townclerk, shall be binding on the parties and all succeeding owners and occupantsof the lands, and they shall always thereafter maintain their respective partsof the fence, until the rights of the respective parties shall be differentlydetermined in some proper action.