§ 34-12-2 Officers authorized to takeacknowledgments. Acknowledgment of any instrument required by any statute of this state to beacknowledged shall be made:
(1) Within this state, before any state senator, any staterepresentative, judge, justice of the peace, clerk or assistant clerk of thesuperior court, mayor, notary public, town clerk or recorder of deeds.
(2) Without this state and within the limits of United Statesor any dependency thereof, before any judge or justice of a court of record orother court, justice of the peace, mayor or notary public, of the state,District of Columbia, territory or such dependency, in which suchacknowledgment is made, or before any commissioner appointed by the governor ofthis state, or before any officer authorized by law to take acknowledgments ofdeeds in the place in which the acknowledgment is made.
(3) Without the limits of the United States, before any ofthe following officers acting within his territorial jurisdiction or withinthat of the court of which he or she is an officer:
(i) An ambassador, envoy, minister, charg/Ae d'affaires,secretary of legation, consul-general, consul, vice-consul, consular agent,vice-consular agent, or any other diplomatic or consular agent orrepresentative of the United States, appointed or accredited to, and residingwithin the country where the acknowledgment or proof is taken.
(ii) A judge or other presiding officer of any court having aseal or the clerk or other certifying officer thereof.
(iii) A mayor or other chief civil officer of any city orother political subdivision.
(iv) A notary public.
(v) A person residing in, or going to, the country where theacknowledgment or proof is to be taken, and specially authorized for thatpurpose by a commission issued to him or her under the seal of the superiorcourt.
(vi) Any person authorized, by the laws of the country wherethe acknowledgment or proof is made, to take acknowledgments of conveyances ofreal estate or to administer oaths in proof of the execution thereof.