§ 34-13-7 General recording fees. (a) The fees to the recording officers for recording the following describedinstruments relating to real estate shall be as follows:
Warranty deed $80.00
Quitclaim deed 80.00
Deed of executor, administrator,
trustee, conservator, receiver,
or commissioner 80.00
Mortgage 60.00
Partial release of mortgage 45.00
Assignment of mortgage 45.00
Foreclosure deed under power of sale
with affidavit 80.00
Lease 60.00
General assignment 45.00
Discharge of mortgage 45.00
Discharge of attachment or execution 45.00
Any other instrument not otherwise
expressly provided for by statute 45.00
Lien Federal tax 7.25
Lien Federal tax, discharge of 7.25
Maps, plats, surveys, drawings (not
attached to or a part of another
recordable instrument) 45.00
Bill of sale 45.00
Power of attorney 45.00
Lis pendens 80.00
(b) The recording officers shall be allowed to charge a rateof one dollar ($1.00) for each additional page or fraction over.
(c) Ten percent (10%) of the recording fees provided for inthis section shall be utilized by each city or town for the purposes ofdocument preservation and technological upgrades.
(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the recording fee for lispendens recorded by bailbondsmen and the recording fee to discharge lis pendensrecorded by bailbondsmen shall be ten dollars ($10.00).