§ 34-15-20 Partition of lands of feeholders and of life tenants, reversioners, and remaindermen. Partition may be made of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments between theperson or persons who hold the fee of any share or shares thereof, and theperson or persons who hold or are or may be entitled to any share or sharesthereof, for life or in reversion or remainder, and whether the remainder isvested or contingent, and whether it is to persons in being and ascertained orto persons not in being or to be ascertained thereafter, or subject to beopened to let in those afterwards to come into being or having other interestswhatsoever, vested or contingent, therein; provided, that all persons in beingat the time of the commencement of the action for partition, interested in theestate, are made parties to the proceedings and their title or interest fullyshown upon the record by the pleadings; and provided, also, that before finaljudgment or decree for partition or sale in any such case the court shallappoint some discreet person to represent the interest of persons, if any, notthen in being, whose reasonable charges, as allowed by the court, shall betaxed in the costs and be a charge upon the share or shares of the estate inwhich the parties not in being shall or may be interested.