§ 34-18-22.3 Nonresident landlord todesignate agent for service of process. A landlord who is not a resident of this state shall designate and continuouslymaintain an agent upon whom service may be made of any process, notice, ordemand required or permitted by law to be served, including but not limited tonotices of minimum housing code violations. The agent shall be a resident ofthis state or a corporation authorized to do business in this state. Thelandlord's designation shall be in writing, shall include the name and addressof the agent, shall include the street address of each property designated tosaid agent, and shall be filed with the secretary of state and with the clerkof the city or town wherein the dwelling unit is located. If a landlord failsto comply with the requirements of this section, rent for the dwelling unitabates until designation of an agent is made and the landlord shall be subjectto a fine of up to five hundred ($500) dollars per violation, payable to themunicipality.