§ 34-18-25 Rules and regulations. (a) A landlord, from time to time, may adopt a rule or regulation, howeverdescribed, concerning the tenant's use and occupancy of the premises. It isenforceable against the tenant only if:
(1) Its purpose is to promote the convenience, safety, orwelfare of the tenants on the premises, preserve the landlord's property fromabusive use, or make a fair distribution of services and facilities held outfor the tenants generally;
(2) It is reasonably related to the purpose of which it isadopted;
(3) It is sufficiently explicit in its prohibition,direction, or limitation of the tenant's conduct to fairly inform the tenant ofwhat he or she must or must not do to comply;
(4) It applies to all tenants in the premises in a fairmanner;
(5) It is not for the purpose of evading the obligations ofthe landlord; and
(6) The tenant has notice of it at the time he or she entersinto the rental agreement, or when it is adopted.
(b) If a rule or regulation is adopted after the tenantenters into the rental agreement that works a substantial modification of hisor her bargain, it is not valid unless the tenant consents to it in writing.