§ 34-18-3 Supplementary principles of lawapplicable. (a) Unless displaced by the provisions of this chapter, the principles of lawand equity, including the law relating to capacity to contract, mutuality ofobligations, principal and agent, real property, public health, safety, andfire prevention, estoppel, fraud, misrepresentation, duress, coercion, mistake,bankruptcy, or other validating or invalidating cause supplements itsprovisions.
(b) This chapter shall apply to any rental agreementinvolving public housing or any type of federally subsidized or regulatedhousing except where:
(1) A particular subject matter has been pre-empted byfederal law, or;
(2) A landlord or tenant has any rights or responsibilitiesderived from federal law or regulations which directly conflict with theprovisions of this chapter, in which case the rights and responsibilitiesderived from federal laws and regulations shall control.