§ 34-19-1 Warrant for summons of jury. Whenever a complaint shall be made in writing and under oath of thecomplainant, or of some one in his or her behalf, to a justice of the superiorcourt, that any person has made unlawful and forcible entry into lands ortenements, and with a strong hand detains the lands or tenements, or that,having made lawful and peaceable entry, or peaceable entry, into lands ortenements, any person unlawfully and with force holds and detains them, thecourt shall make out a warrant under its hand and seal, directed to the sheriffof the county in which the lands or tenements lie, or to his or her deputy,commanding him or her in behalf of the state to cause to come before thesuperior court, at such time and place as the court shall appoint within thecounty, twelve (12) good and lawful men or women of the same county, whichwarrant shall be in the following form:
(SEAL) To the sheriff of thecounty of
or to his or her deputy,Greeting:
Whereas complaint is made to me, the subscriber,by
of that of
uponthe dayof at
with force and arms and with a strong hand did unlawfully andforcibly enter into and upon a tract of land of him or her
in aforesaidcontaining acres,
bounded as follows, viz.: (or, into the messuage or tenementof him or her, as the case may be, describing it)
and him or her with force and a strong
hand as aforesaid did expel and unlawfully put out ofpossession of the same (or, as the case may be, that having made lawful andpeaceable entry, or peaceable entry, such person unlawfully and with
force holds and detains him or her out of
the same), you are hereby commanded in behalf of the state tocause to come before our superior court, upon the day of
at o'clock ( : ) inthe
noon at in the countyof
twelve (12) good and lawful men or women of your county to beimpaneled and sworn, to inquire into the forcible entry and detainer (orforcible detainer, as the case may be), as aforedescribed.
Given under my hand and seal the
dayof in the year Justice of the superiorcourt.