§ 34-28-13 Form of complaint to enforcelien. The complaint to enforce a lien, filed under § 34-28-10, shall set forththe particulars of the account or demand for which the plaintiff claims a lienincluding the amount claimed, extras, payment made, the date or dates uponwhich work was done or materials furnished, shall recite the actions takenunder this chapter by the plaintiff for the perfection of such lien, shallparticularly describe the building, canal, turnpike, railroad, improvement, andland, and the estate and title in the improvement upon which the plaintiffclaims a lien. It shall include specific dates of performance of the work,providing of materials, nature of each performance, and shall pray that thelien may be enforced against the improvement, and that the improvement may besold to satisfy the account or demand and all other accounts and demands forwhich the improvement is liable and stands subject to liens under §34-28-1, 34-28-2, 34-28-3 or 34-28-7; the complaint shall also name asdefendants the owner of record and/or the landlord and lessee, if applicable,under § 34-28-2, and the complaint shall also contain a list of the namesand addresses of all persons who have filed notices of intention under §34-28-4 and a list of all persons who have any recorded title, claim, lease,mortgage, attachment or other lien or encumbrance (other than under §34-28-1, 34-28-2, 34-28-3 or 34-28-7) with relation to, on or against thebuilding, canal, turnpike, railroad, improvement, or land or any part thereof.