§ 34-28-26 Subordination or release oflien. Any subordination agreement or release, bearing the signature of any personwith authority to sign the agreement or release, or of the person who isdesignated in a notice of intention under § 34-28-4 as the person whosesignature will bind the person filing the notice, which purports to subordinateor release any lien under § 34-28-1, 34-28-2, 34-28-3 or 34-28-7 whetherfor work done or materials furnished prior to the agreement or release, orthereafter, or both, notwithstanding the fact that no consideration is giventherefor, shall be enforceable according to its terms, by any other person whohas changed his or her position in any way in reliance upon the subordinationagreement or release, whether the other person is otherwise obligated to makethe change of position or not.