§ 34-28-29 Form of demand for directpayment. A demand for direct payment under § 34-28-27 shall be sufficient insubstantially the following form:
To: (here insert name of owner or lessee or tenant, or ofother person as may be obligated or permitted to make payments on behalf of theowner or lessee or tenant).
The undersigned hereby releases his or her lien against (heredescribe the building, canal, turnpike, railroad, or other improvement and theland on which it is situated, which description shall be sufficient to identifyit generally with reasonable certainty) owned by or leased to (here insert nameof owner or lessee) for work done or materials furnished by the undersigned, asfollows:
(Here insert a general description of the work done ormaterials furnished, with amounts and dates the work was performed).
The undersigned had taken the following steps to perfect thelien:
(Here insert the steps taken to perfect the lien under thischapter).
The persons in line of privity between you and theundersigned are as follows:
(Here insert names of all persons in line of privity).
Each of the persons has endorsed his or her approval to thisdemand.
Wherefore, the undersigned demands payment from you of thesum of (here insert amount). ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] (Hereinsert signature and address of person making demand)
(Here insert signatures of persons in line of privity)Paymentreceived ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
(For signature of person demanding payment, when he or shehas received the same)