§ 34-29-5 Sale of goods Notice Disposition of proceeds. When any processor may have a lien upon the goods and property of others thatmay have come into their possession, and the amount due shall remain due andunpaid either in whole or in part, for two (2) months after the lien becomesdue and payable, it shall be lawful for the processor to expose the goods andproperty for sale, and sell at public auction, upon notice of sale being firstpublished for two (2) weeks at least once in each week, preceding the day ofsale, in some newspaper published in the county in which the goods or propertyare located, and a copy of the printed notice being mailed to the owner orowners, if known, at least five (5) days before the day of sale, if their postoffice addresses can be ascertained; and the proceeds of the sale shall beapplied to the payment of the lien and the expenses of the sale; and no more ofthe goods or property shall be sold, if easily separated or divided, than shallbe necessary, as near as may be, to pay the lien and expenses, and the balanceof the proceeds of sale of the goods or property, if any, shall be paid tothose entitled thereto. Nothing in this section shall be construed to be inderogation of the right of the lienor to enforce the lien by any other lawfulprocedure.