§ 34-30-3 Notice of sale. (a) Before the sale is held, notice in writing must be given to the person fromwhom the article to be sold was received, of the amount due for suchalteration, repair, or other work, and the time and place of sale; if theresidence of the person is known the notice must be mailed to his or her lastknown street address; but if it is unknown then the notice of the sale shall bepublished at least six (6) days previous to the sale in a newspaper, publishedin English, in the city or town in which the jeweler, watchmaker, orsilversmith carries on business if the item to be sold has a fair market valuein excess of one hundred dollars ($100).
(b) Fair market value as used in this section shall mean theprice a willing buyer would pay to a willing seller and which the seller wouldaccept on the open market.