§ 34-36.1-2.01 Creation of condominium. (a) A condominium may be created pursuant to this chapter only by recording adeclaration in the municipal land evidence records. The declaration must berecorded in every municipality in which any portion of the condominium islocated, and must be indexed in the grantee's index in the name of thecondominium and the association and in the grantor's index in the name of eachperson executing the declaration.
(b) A declaration or an amendment to a declaration addingunits to a condominium, may not be recorded unless all structural componentsand mechanical systems of the building containing or comprising any unitsthereby created are substantially completed in accordance with the plans ofthat building, as evidenced by a certificate of completion executed by anindependent registered engineer or architect which shall be recorded in thelocal land evidence records. No provision of this chapter shall be construed asprohibiting the recording of a declaration or amendment to a declaration whichcreates a condominium containing land only units or adds land only units to anexisting condominium.
(c) A declaration or an amendment to a declaration creatingland only units shall set forth restrictions on the development of such landonly units which address at a minimum the following items:
(1) Floor area square footage,
(2) Lot coverage,
(3) Height,
(4) Set backs from unit boundaries,
(5) Use, and
(6) Architectural and design standards.