§ 34-36-13 Survey map. (a) Simultaneously with the recording of the declaration there shall berecorded a standard size, original linen/mylar (21" s 31") record ofsurvey map, as defined in § 34-36-3(15), with 61/4" s 11/2"recording information block, which map shall be made by a registered landsurveyor and shall set forth (1) a description of the surface of the landincluded within the project, including all angular and linear data along theexterior boundaries of the property; (2) the linear measurement and location,with reference to the exterior boundaries, of the building or buildings locatedon the property; (3) diagrammatic floor plans of the building or buildingsbuilt or to be built thereon in sufficient detail to identify each unit,including its identifying number or symbol, the official datum elevations ofthe finished or unfinished interior surfaces of the floors and ceilings and thelinear measurements of the finished or unfinished interior surfaces of theperimeter walls, and the lateral extensions, of every unit in the building; and(4) a certificate consenting to the recordation of such record of survey mappursuant to this chapter, signed and acknowledged by the record owner of suchproperty. Every unit shall be identified on the record of survey map by adistinguishing number or other symbol.
(b) In interpreting the record of survey map or any deed orother instrument affecting a building or unit, the boundaries of the buildingor unit constructed or reconstructed in substantial accordance with the recordof survey map shall be conclusively presumed to be the actual boundaries ratherthan the description expressed in the record of survey map, regardless of thesettling or lateral movement of the building and regardless of minor variancebetween boundaries shown on the record of survey map and those of the buildingor unit.