§ 34-36-27 Separate assessment fortaxation. (a) Each unit and its percentage of undivided interest in the common areas andfacilities shall be deemed to be a parcel and shall be subject to separateassessment and taxation by each assessing unit and special district for alltypes of taxes authorized by law including but not limited to ad valorem leviesand special assessments. Neither the building or buildings, the property norany of the common areas and facilities shall be deemed to be a parcel.
(b) No forfeiture or sale of the improvements or the propertyas a whole for delinquent real estate taxes, special assessments, or chargesshall ever divest or in any way affect the title to an individual unit so longas the real estate taxes or duly levied share of the assessments and charges onthe individual unit are currently paid.
(c) Any exemption from taxes that may exist on real propertyor the ownership thereof shall not be denied by virtue of the submission of theproperty to the provisions of this chapter.