§ 34-38-3 Filing requirements. Any person or broker proposing to advertise, offer, or dispose of anysubdivision or lot, parcel, unit, or interest therein in this state shall firstsubmit to the department:
(1) Such particulars and details of the subdivision or lots,parcels, units or other interest in any subdivision to be advertised, offered,or to be disposed of as the department may by regulation require, including,but not limited to, a prospectus, property report, or offering statementembodying all the terms relative to the offering and disposition;
(2) A detailed statement of intended and proposed advertisingand sale methods and techniques;
(3) A completed license application in such form as thedepartment may require; and
(4) A filing fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) inrespect of each subdivision to be offered or to be disposed of.