§ 34-39.1-4 Housing restrictionsenforceable. (a) No housing restriction, whether presently existing or hereafter created,that is held by a restriction holder shall be unenforceable against an owner orassignee of any real estate subject to the housing restriction because of lackof privity of estate or contract, or lack of benefit to particular land, or onaccount of any other common law doctrine of property law which might cause thetermination of the housing restriction.
(b) This section shall not be construed to imply thatrestriction, charge, encumbrance, easement, covenant, or condition which is notcovered hereunder shall, on account of any provisions hereof, be unenforceable.
(c) A housing restriction as defined in § 34-39.1-3(a)shall not be subject to the thirty (30) year limitation on restricted covenantsprovided for in § 34-4-21.
(d) A housing restriction as defined in subsection34-39.1-3(a) shall not be subject to any of the limitations on possibilities ofreverter and rights of entry or expirations or invalidity of restrictivecovenants provided for in § 34-4-19, 34-4-20, 34-4-22, 34-4-23 or 34-4-26.