§ 34-39-2 Definitions. (a) A "conservation restriction" shall mean a right to prohibit or require alimitation upon or an obligation to perform acts on or with respect to or usesof a land or water area, whether stated in the form of a restriction, easement,covenant, or condition, in any deed, will, or other instrument executed by oron behalf of the owner of the area or in any order of taking, which right,limitation, or obligation is appropriate to retain or maintain the land orwater area, or is appropriate to provide the public the benefit of the uniquefeatures of the land or water area, including improvements thereonpredominantly in its natural, scenic, or open condition, or in agricultural,farming, open space, wildlife, or forest use, or in other use or conditionconsistent with the protection of environmental quality.
(b) A "preservation restriction" shall mean a right toprohibit or require a limitation upon or an obligation to perform acts on orwith respect to or uses of a structure or site historically significant for itsarchitecture, archaeology, or associations, whether stated in the form of arestriction, easement, covenant, or condition, in any deed, will, or otherinstrument executed by or on behalf of the owner of the structure or site or inany order of taking, which right, limitation or obligation is appropriate tothe preservation or restoration of the structure or site.