§ 34-39-3 Restrictions enforceable. (a) No conservation restriction held by any governmental body or by acharitable corporation, association, trust, or other entity whose purposesinclude conservation of land or water areas or of a particular area, and nopreservation restriction held by any governmental body or by a charitablecorporation, association, trust, or other entity whose purposes includepreservation of structures or sites of historical significance or of aparticular structure or site, shall be unenforceable against any owner of therestricted land or structure on account of lack of privity of estate orcontract, or lack of benefit to particular land, or on account of the benefitbeing assignable or being assigned to any other governmental body or to anyentity with like purposes, or on account of any other doctrine of property lawwhich might cause the termination of the restriction.
(b) This section shall not be construed to imply that anyrestriction easement, covenant, or condition which is not covered hereundershall, on account of any provisions hereof, be unenforceable.
(c) The restrictions shall not be subject to the thirty yearlimitation on restrictive covenants provided in § 34-4-21.