§ 34-47-3 Procedure. Any person entitled to a lien under this section shall, within sixty (60) daysafter last furnishing of labor, money, material, or supplies for the productionof, altering, or repairing of the personal property, file in the office of thefederal aviation administration aircraft registry a statement in writingverified by oath showing the amount of labor, money, material, or suppliesfurnished for the producing, storage, parking, servicing, altering, orrepairing of the personal property, the name of the person for, and by whomlabor, money, material, or supplies, was furnished, and specifying theregistration number of the aircraft. Unless the person entitled to the lienfiles the statement within the time provided in this section, he or she isdeemed to have waived his or her rights to the lien; provided, however, thatthe lien provided for in this section does not attach to any personal propertyafter it has been purchased by an innocent purchaser for value, and has passedinto his or her possession, unless the lien has been filed with the federalaviation administration aircraft registry before the property was purchased bythe purchaser, or he or she has received written notice, from the partyentitled to the lien, of his or her intention to file the lien.