§ 34-8-6 Proximity to established stationrequired for use of coordinates in public records. No coordinates based on either Rhode Island coordinate system, purporting todefine the position of a point on land boundary, shall be presented to berecorded in any public land records or deed records unless such point is withinone kilometer of a monumented horizontal control station and unless minimumTHIRD ORDER class II procedures are used in conformity with thestandards of accuracy and specifications prepared and published by the federalgeodetic control committee established in conformity with the standards ofaccuracy and specifications for first or second-order geodetic surveyingas prepared and published by the federal geodetic control committee (FGCC) ofthe United States department of commerce. Standards and specifications of theFGCC or its successor in force on date of the survey shall apply. Thepublishing of the existing control stations, or the acceptance with intent topublish the newly established control stations, by the national oceansurvey/national geodetic survey will constitute evidence of adherence to theFGCC specifications. Above limitations may be modified by the Rhode Islanddepartment of transportation land surveying section to meet local conditions.