§ 35-12-7 Directors and officers. (a) The powers of the corporation shall be vested in a board of directorsconsisting of the following seven (7) members:
(1) Chairperson of the board of governors for highereducation;
(2) Commissioner of higher education;
(3) State budget officer;
(4) President of the university;
(5) Vice president for business and finance of the university;
(6) Controller of the university; and
(7) Vice president for academic affairs of the university.
(b) The directors shall receive no compensation for theperformance of their duties.
(c) The board of directors shall elect one of its members toserve as chairperson. Four (4) directors shall constitute a quorum and anyaction to be taken by the corporation under the provisions of this chapter maybe authorized by resolution approved by at least four (4) of the directorspresent and voting at any regular or special meeting at which a quorum ispresent.
(d) In addition to electing a chairperson, the board ofdirectors shall appoint a secretary and such additional officers as they shalldeem appropriate.
(e) Any action taken by the corporation under the provisionsof this chapter may be authorized by vote at any regular or special meeting,and the vote shall take effect immediately.
(f) Any action required by this chapter to be taken at ameeting of the board of directors, or any action which may be taken at ameeting of the board of directors, or committee thereof, may be taken without ameeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so to be taken, shallbe signed before or after that action by all of the directors, or all of themembers of the committee, as the case may be.