§ 35-14-2 Policy. (a) The legislature hereby finds that:
(1) Fraud and errors in state programs are more likely tooccur from a lack of effective systems of internal accounting andadministrative control in the state agencies;
(2) Effective systems of internal accounting andadministrative control provide the basic foundation upon which a structure ofpublic accountability must be built;
(3) Effective systems of internal accounting andadministrative control are necessary to assure that state assets and funds areadequately safeguarded, as well as to produce reliable financial informationfor the state;
(4) Systems of internal accounting and administrative controlare necessarily dynamic and must be continuously evaluated and, wherenecessary, improved; and
(5) Reports regarding the adequacy of the system of internalaccounting and administrative control of each state agency are necessary toenable the executive branch, the legislature, and the public to evaluate theagency's performance of its public responsibilities and accountability.
(b) The legislature declares that:
(1) Each state agency must maintain effective systems ofinternal accounting and administrative control as an integral part of itsmanagement practices;
(2) The systems of internal accounting and administrativecontrol of each state agency shall be evaluated on an ongoing basis and, whendetected, weaknesses must be promptly corrected; and
(3) All levels of management of the state agencies must beinvolved in assessing and strengthening the systems of internal accounting andadministrative control to minimize fraud, errors, abuse, and waste ofgovernment funds.