§ 35-3-1 Budget officer Generalpowers and duties. (a) Within the department of administration there shall be a budget officer whoshall be appointed by the director of administration with the approval of thegovernor. The budget officer shall be required to:
(1) Exercise budgetary control over all state departments andagencies and perform management analyses;
(2) Operate an appropriation allotment system;
(3) Prepare the annual budget of the receipts andexpenditures of the state;
(4) Develop long term activity and financial programs,particularly capital improvement programs;
(5) Approve or disapprove all requests for new personnel andto investigate periodically the need of all existing positions in the stateservice and report thereon to the director of administration; and
(6) Prepare a five (5) year financial projection ofanticipated general revenue receipts and expenditures, including detail ofprincipal revenue sources and expenditures by major program areas, whichprojection shall be included in the budget submitted to the general assemblypursuant to § 35-3-7.
(b) The budget officer may approve or disapprove requisitionsfor equipment, materials, and supplies.
(c) The budget officer's duties and powers relating tobudgetary controls and personnel requests of the legislative and judcialdepartments shall be purely ministerial, concerned only with the availabilityof the funds, and in no event shall the budget officer interpose his or herjudgment regarding the wisdom or expediency of items of expenditure.