§ 35-3-15 Unexpended and unencumberedbalances of revenue appropriations. (a) All unexpended or unencumbered balances of general revenue appropriations,whether regular or special appropriations, at the end of any fiscal year, shallrevert to the surplus account in the general fund, and may be reappropriated bythe governor to the ensuing fiscal year and made immediately available for thesame purposes as the former appropriations; provided, that the disposition ofunexpended or unencumbered appropriations for the general assembly andlegislative agencies shall be determined by the joint committee on legislativeaffairs, and written notification given thereof to the state controller withintwenty (20) days after the end of the fiscal year; and furthermore that thedisposition of unexpended or unencumbered appropriations for the judiciary,shall be determined by the state court administrator, and written notificationgiven thereof to the state controller within twenty (20) days after the end ofthe fiscal year.
(b) The governor shall submit a report of suchreappropriations to the chairperson of the house finance committee and thechairperson of the senate finance committee of each reappropriation stating thegeneral revenue appropriation, the unexpended or unencumbered balance, theamount reappropriated, and a explanation of the reappropriation and the reasonfor the reappropriation by August 15 of each year.