§ 35-3-24.1 Program performancemeasurement. (a) Beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, the governor shallsubmit, as part of each budget submitted to the general assembly pursuant to§ 35-3-7, performance objectives for each program in the budget for theensuing fiscal year, estimated performance data for the fiscal year in whichthe budget is submitted, and actual performance data for the preceding two (2)completed fiscal years. Performance data shall include efforts at achievingequal opportunity hiring goals as defined in the department's annualaffirmative action plan. The governor shall, in addition, recommend appropriatestandards against which to measure program performance. Performance in prioryears may be used as a standard where appropriate. These performance standardsshall be stated in terms of results obtained.
(b) The governor may submit, in lieu of any part of theinformation required to be submitted pursuant to subsection (a), an explanationof why the information cannot, as a practical matter be submitted.