§ 35-3-9 Action on bills by housecommittee Hearings. The budget plan and bill or bills for proposed appropriations, when sent by thegovernor to the general assembly, shall be referred as soon as practicable toan appropriate committee of the house of representatives, and the committeeshall forthwith proceed to the consideration of the bill. The committee shallhear the budget officer upon the bill as a whole or upon any item thereof orany proposed amendment thereto as each may elect, and the committee may summonthe budget officer to appear before it and to furnish such information relativeto the bill or any item therein, or any proposed amendment thereto, as it mayrequire, and the committee may in its discretion hear the proper personrepresenting any department or agency desiring to be heard with respect to anyitem or amendment in the bill relating to the department or agency; provided,that nothing contained in this section shall be construed to limit the right ofthe committee to hold public hearings upon the bill as a whole or upon any itemtherein, or to summon any person for examination regarding any item containedtherein, or for the purpose of obtaining information necessary for a full andproper consideration of the bill. The committee, after the consideration of thebill, shall report the bill with its recommendation endorsed thereon to thehouse of representatives.