§ 35-4-1 Revenue credited to general fund Exceptions Deposits. All receipts and revenue of the state shall be credited by the generaltreasurer to the general fund of the state with the exception of receipts orrevenue pertaining to the following funds:
(1) Permanent school fund;
(2) Touro Jewish synagogue fund;
(3) Land-grant fund of 1862;
(4) Veterans' home fund;
(5) United States cooperative vocational education fund;
(6) United States industrial rehabilitation fund;
(7) Forestry cooperative fund;
(8) State sinking fund;
(9) Fire insurance fund;
(10) Fund for relief of firemen;
(11) Fund for relief of policemen;
(12) Coastal Resources Management Council Dredge Fund;
(13) Funds received from the federal government in accordancewith the provisions of parts 1 and 2 of title V of the Social Security Act, 42U.S.C. § 501 et seq.;
(14) Any other funds that may by federal law or regulation,or by enactment of the general assembly, be allocated to a specific fund,provided, that nothing contained in this section shall amend or modify: §19-3.1-9, which pertains to securities deposited by trust companies andnational banks having trust departments; § 19-5-15, which pertains tocredit unions; nor § 27-1-5, which pertains to deposits of securities byinsurance companies with the general treasurer; and
(15) Funds received until June 30, 2002, from the northeastdairy compact commission, which was enacted into law in Rhode Island by P.L.1993, ch. 106, § 2-24-1 et seq. These funds are to be passed from thenortheast dairy compact commission through the department of elementary andsecondary education to reimburse school districts for school milk that isexempted from the federal over-order price regulation obligation at 7 CFR 1301.These funds are to be placed in a restricted receipt account established withinthe department of elementary and secondary education separate from all otheraccounts within the department of elementary and secondary education. All fundsdeposited in the restricted receipt account established in this section shallbe disbursed prior to June 30, 2002.