§ 35-4-18 Health education, alcohol, andsubstance abuse prevention program. There is hereby created and established a program to be known as the "healtheducation, alcohol, and substance abuse prevention program", which shall befunded annually by the general assembly. All moneys now or hereafter in thehealth education, alcohol, and substance abuse prevention program are herebyappropriated for the purpose of establishing continuous health educationprograms dealing primarily in the areas of alcohol and substance abuse forstudents in grades kindergarten (K) through twelve (12). The department ofmental health, retardation, and hospitals and the department of elementary andsecondary education are charged with administration of the program for thepurposes specified in this section. Independent evaluation of the programs ingrades kindergarten (K) through twelve (12) shall be made annually. Funds forevaluation shall emanate from the health education, alcohol, and substanceabuse appropriations. Claims against the funds shall be examined, audited, andallowed in the manner now or hereafter provided by law.