§ 35-4-20.1 Contribution of money fromwater development fund When and how contributions to be made. The enumeration of the money or trust funds set forth in § 35-4-20 shallnot prohibit the applicability thereto of § 35-4-20.3 should the directorof administration determine that for the reasons mentioned in § 35-4-20.2the money or trust funds should be exempt, as it is the purpose of this chapterto exempt all trust funds from force and effect of § 35-4-20 where, by theoperation of this chapter, federal matching funds or contributions to any trustfund would be lost by the state when contribution is to be made. The deductionhereby required shall be paid into the general fund by the state treasurersemiannually in July and January of each year and when so paid into the generalfund shall thereupon become a part of that fund to be accounted for anddisbursed as provided by law with respect to the general fund.