§ 35-4-22.2 Use of restricted or specialrevenue funds. (a) Any restricted or special revenue funds which are received by a stateagency which is not otherwise appropriated to that state agency by the annualappropriation acts of the regular session of the general assembly are herebyappropriated for that state agency for the purpose set forth, except that noexpenditure shall be made from and no obligation shall be incurred against anyrestricted receipts or special revenue fund which has not been previouslyappropriated or reappropriated or approved by the governor, the speaker of thehouse, and the president of the senate, until that authorization has beentransmitted to the state agency to make expenditure therefrom.
(b) State agencies desiring the governor's approval to expendor obligate receipts not appropriated or reappropriated by the general assemblyin the annual appropriation act or supplemental appropriation act shall forwarda request to the state budget officer, who shall forward a copy to the speakerof the house and the president of the senate.