§ 35-4-27 Indirect cost recoveries onrestricted receipt accounts. Indirect cost recoveries of ten percent (10%) of cash receipts shall betransferred from all restricted receipt accounts, to be recorded as generalrevenues in the general fund. However, there shall be no transfer from cashreceipts with restrictions received exclusively: (1) from contributions fromnon-profit charitable organizations; (2) from the assessment of indirect costrecovery rates on federal grant funds; or (3) through transfers from stateagencies to the department of administration for the payment of debt service.These indirect cost recoveries shall be applied to all accounts, unlessprohibited by federal law or regulation, court order, or court settlement. Thefollowing restricted receipt accounts shall not be subject to the provisions ofthis section:
Department of Human Services
Veterans' home Restricted account
Veterans' home Resident benefits
Organ transplant fund
Veteran's Cemetery Memorial Fund
Department of Health
Pandemic medications and equipment account
Department of Mental Health, Retardation and Hospitals
Hospital Medicare Part D Receipts
RICLAS Group Home Operations
Department of Environmental Management
National heritage revolving fund
Environmental response fund II
Underground storage tanks
Rhode Island Council on the Arts
Art for public facilities fund
Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission
Historic preservation revolving loan fund
Historic Preservation loan fund Interest revenue
State Police
Forfeited property Retained
Forfeitures Federal
Forfeited property Gambling
Donation Polygraph and Law Enforcement Training
Attorney General
Forfeiture of property
Federal forfeitures
Attorney General multi-state account
Department of Administration
Restore and replacement Insurance coverage
Convention Center Authority rental payments
Investment Receipts TANS
Car Rental Tax/Surcharge-Warwick Share
OPEB System Restricted Receipt Account
Audit of federal assisted programs
Department of Elderly Affairs
Pharmaceutical Rebates Account
Department of Children Youth and Families
Children's Trust Accounts SSI
Military Staff
RI Military Family Relief Fund
Admin. Expenses State Retirement System
Retirement Treasury Investment Options
Business Regulation
Banking Division Reimbursement Account
Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner ReimbursementAccount
Securities Division Reimbursement Account
Commercial Licensing and Racing and Athletics DivisionReimbursement Account
Insurance Division Reimbursement Account
Historic Preservation Tax Credit Account.
Arbitration Fund Restricted Receipt Account