§ 35-6-13 Transmission of accounts allowedby courts. Every account allowed by the supreme court or by the superior court, and everycertificate allowed for any attendance in these courts in cases provided bylaw, except the attendance of officers in the county of Providence, shall,within twenty (20) days after the close of any session thereof in countiesother than the county of Providence, and within twenty (20) days after thefifteenth day of February, May, August, and November in each year in the countyof Providence, and every account or bill of costs, with the items thereof,allowed by any district court or by the supreme court, or by the superior courtat Providence for attendance of officers, shall, at the end of every month, betransmitted by the clerks of the courts, respectively, to the department ofadministration; and the account, certificate, or bill of costs shall state thename of the person to whom the allowances have been made, the amount thereof,and for what the allowance has been allowed.