§ 35-7-3.1 Cost of forensic examinations. When it is determined by the bureau of audits that an audit is necessarybecause there is sufficient evidence to believe that there may have been fiscalimpropriety, wrongdoing or fiscal mismanagement by any employee, board member,or commissioner of any state agency or authority as defined in § 42-35-1,the bureau of audits may conduct a forensic examination of such entity. Allcosts associated with the forensic examination shall be paid, as deemedappropriate, either by the examined entity or by an appropriation proposed bythe governor and enacted by the general assembly. Such costs shall include, butnot be limited to, the following expenses:
(1) One hundred percent (100%) of the total salaries andbenefits paid to the examining personnel of the bureau of audits engaged inthose examinations;
(2) All costs associated with the procurement of a forensicconsultant;
(3) All costs associated with a consultant that providesexpertise pertinent to the examinee's operations;
(4) All reasonable technology costs related to the forensicexamination process. Technology costs shall include the actual cost of softwareand hardware utilized in the examination process and the cost of trainingexamination personnel in the proper use of the software hardware.