§ 36-1-12 Time allowed for senate actionon nominations Disapproval Withdrawal. Whenever the senate shall have been in session for sixty (60) legislative daysafter notice of the making of appointments by the governor and shall not havedisapproved the appointments or shall have failed to act thereon, theappointment by the governor shall stand as confirmed. If the senate shallwithin the sixty (60) legislative days vote to disapprove the appointment, itforthwith shall notify the governor who, within seven (7) legislative daysafter notice, shall again make the appointments as desired and notify thesenate thereof and so on in like manner until the senate shall approve or failto act upon or to disapprove in sixty (60) legislative days, as aforesaid, ofthe governor's appointments. The governor may withdraw any appointment of whichhe or she has given notice to the senate at any time within sixty (60)legislative days thereafter and before action has been taken thereon by thesenate.