§ 36-10-11 Service allowance to memberwithdrawing from service before retirement age. (a) The right of a service retirement allowance under the provisions of thischapter shall vest in a member who shall withdraw from service prior to his orher attainment of the minimum age of retirement specified in §§36-10-9 36-10-9.3 who shall not have received a refund, provided themember shall have completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service onor before July 1, 2005. The member shall become entitled to a serviceretirement allowance upon his or her attainment of the age established in§ 36-10-9 or at his or her option at any date subsequent thereto. The rateof service retirement allowance payable in the case of any member shall be thatprovided in § 36-10-10, for the period of total service earned and accruedat the date of withdrawal from service of the member.
(b) For a member who shall not have completed at least ten(10) years of contributory service on or before July 1, 2005, the right of aservice retirement allowance under the provisions of this chapter shall vest ina member who shall withdraw from service prior to his or her attainment of theminimum age of retirement specified in §§ 36-10-9 36-10-9.3who shall not have received a refund, provided, the member shall have completedat least ten (10) years of contributory service. The member shall becomeentitled to a service retirement allowance upon his or her attainment of theage of sixty-five (65) years or at his or her option at any date subsequentthereto. The rate of service retirement allowance payable in the case of anymember shall be that provided in § 36-10-10, Schedule B, for the period oftotal service earned and accrued at the date of withdrawal from service of themember.